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Tuesday 3 August 2010

Windows Phones 7 - Is it Microsoft's cry for help?

I know that Microsoft are chewing their nails right now thinking this is the software that will make or break us in the mobile technology market. Now I love Microsoft when it come to PC, I'm not a Mac-man at all but in the phone world it seems that with the likes of Win-Mobile 6.5 you have all the capabilities of a phone but with a cluttered software bringing the whole experience down. Its hard to find a handset with a more complicated file structure than a blackberry but windows mobile takes the bullet. But this could all change with windows mobile 7, I think it looks fantastic. Although I'm pretty sure Microsoft wont get the kind of sales they want from it. There is just far too much competition now a days from Google, never mind Apple. Google has now become the proprietary software that every major manufacturer is loading onto their handsets even if they have their own software on top. Are companies, who still know how incredible and well established Microsoft are, going to scrap Google to make way for a new bread of Windows phones? I don't think so. The likes of HTC, Samsung and LG have already announced their Microsoft branded handsets but comparing that with Google, it just seems like their lending Microsoft a hand but putting Google at top Priority. Which is fair enough in some respects but their is still a large amount of loyal windows phones users out there, although specifically in the last quarter of 2009 windows phone users dropped from 12% of the smart-phone population to 3%. This leaves Microsoft with the daunting task of delivering a handset software to which know one is interested in any more. I'm sure developer interest will drop a fair bit as well as windows 6.1/6.5 have been a developers favourite for the majority of applications, which will change with the new software.  Aside from all these tasks the phones themselves look excellent, polished and very presentable. The software itself it pretty much a internet and call enabled Zune, which isn't a bad thing at all as the Zune HD has been a Ipod Touch competitor for a while now and is a fantastic MP3 player. 

Windows Phone 7 is due for release in October this year in Europe and it should hopefully be a killer handset, even if no fool buys it.

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