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Sunday 1 August 2010

Did Steve Jobs lie to us?

I think the video below says it all:

Well the drama that surrounds the antennagate problem with the iphone, in my opinion was only worsened by the fact that steve jobs stood up and tried to crack that other phones do the same thing. No they don't. Certainly if you hold a phone, covering all sides of the handset you may get dropped bars in signal and wifi but not to the extent that the iphone 4 does. The overall problem is a complete and utter design fault on the hardware side. Maybe if they didn't specifically point out where the antenna was on the handset they wouldn't have as many complaints, but they did.

With all the features of the Iphone 4 being so incredible it is hard to find a fault in the handset, but when your seeling 3 million in 3 weeks of course people are going to find problems. I remember christmas around two years ago the LG KS360 was the handset that all and any kid wanted. It was mayhem. It got to the point that pre-orders where taken and the adverage phone retailer was selling around 10 - 20 Lg's a day. But after christmas the inevitable happend, which was around 20 - 30% of the handsets were being returned with software faults, etc. So again its extremely difficult for any high demand manufacturer to keep the same level of quality in their handsets when there shipping out so many. Apple knew that was the case and thats why they stated 'Their not perfect'. Which is fair enough but don't think the public are so nieve. Don't tell use were holding the phone wrong, that its a fault in your algorithm and that every phone behaves in the exact same way because it doesn't. Overall the Apple Iphone 4 is pretty much the best handset around even with its flaws, which will probably be fixed soon enough. I'm sure the Iphone 4 White was delayed so that when they ship it it doesn't have the antennagate problem, even if Apple said they were delaying it because the colour of the handset wasn't right. Dont be taking us for a ride Apple, We know what your up to son!

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